
The kind of question that I keep asking when things go wrong. 

That moment when I think I already do my best but nothing good happen, my good thing is measured by the way I want it to happen exactly as the way I want… But I guess the questions why only occur when I didn’t understand. As far as I concern, no matter what I do or will do, what’s suppose to happen will happen eventually. What meant together will find a way.

There’s only this curiosity towards all the good things that happen to those mean people? Why after all that things they had done, good things still happen to them? While when you’re already do your best, still you don’t get what you’ve wished for. 

When things don’t go the way you want,I guess it’s normal to feel disappointed no? When THEE keep giving you the same script over and over, isn’t it normal for you to feel unfair, uneasy, unhappy. When you think you had manage it well and turn out THEE still give you the same script again and it hit you, maybe you’re doing it wrong, for all this time, maybe you don’t have to defend yourself, maybe you just have to let it go…..

But, are you sincere? 
No, of course you’re not because you’re not an angel, because if you’re an angel then you’re going to be in heaven not this filthy earth.
And the question hit you again. Why? Why me? What have I done? Why? 

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